Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Jesse's Birthday Week!

Jesse's birthday was yesterday, the 28th. For the past couple years we have been enjoying an idea we stole from Caitlin and Austin: birthday week. :) So we celebrate somehow everyday. We started a little early on Saturday night by going out to eat with both sides of our family. Both sets of parents, us, Matthew, and Ben all went to Mafioza's for dinner. Yum. Then we all came to our apartment where I had a cake ready, yellow of course, Jesse's favorite. Though he allowed chocolate icing for me. :) We used the special glass dessert plates my grandmother June gave us as a wedding gift. They were a wedding give to her 57(ish) years ago! Then we played a little Apples to Apples before everyone left and Jesse and I went out just the two of us.

Then, Sunday was sort of a day off, although there was still cake, because Jesse was working most of the day. But Monday we both had off work, and I planned a special surprise. I made cupcakes Sunday night, but ended up forgetting them for the Monday trip I made them for. :( Oh well. We had them Monday night when we got back from....golfing at Fall Creek Falls! 

I am not that into golfing, but everyone knows Jesse is. Well, I decided that was something he would enjoy doing for his birthday but would never guess that's what I was taking him to do. I didn't tell him a thing beforehand. He always keeps his clubs in his trunk, so I just took his car, added the balls, and packed a lunch! When we got off the interstate just past Cookeville, he saw a sign that said Fall Creek Falls, and I couldn't deny we were going there. There are only so many options that far out. So, we eventually got there and once we were in the park and I was following signs, he noticed we were following all the signs to the golf course, and figured it out. He was really excited! Mission accomplished. So we headed out, played 9 holes, stopped to grab our lunch box, and had lunch during the back 9. We played out the front according to the rules, but then skipped one or two holes in the back, and mostly played scramble. I was just too worn out, and frankly too bad to keep playing correctly!

 But we had a good time. And Jesse had never been to Fall Creek Falls, which I didn't know when I planned the whole thing, so we did a 2 mile hike to one of the falls and back. We decided we should go back soon with bathing suits. There are lots of little "swimming holes" and cascades that we would've gotten in and played for a while, but we didn't have the suits! 

When we got back home we had the cupcakes I intended to bring to the course. I even had candles and matches with me!

See the "2" and "3"? It's backwards from the camera's angle, but he's 23. :)
So then yesterday, the actual birthday, Jesse worked until 3. Then he came home, and I cooked dinner. His favorite, at least of what I can make: chicken parmigiana. Then more cupcakes of course! Then we just had a night in. I'd like to take him to the zoo tomorrow (it's ok, he already knows, and likely doesn't read this anyway) but the forecast has been rainy all week. So we'll see. Maybe Saturday. 

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Catch Up

Well, nothing too big going on, just want to catch up about a few things we've been doing. 

We had Jesse's parents over for dinner this past Friday for his mom's birthday. Must've been an interesting birthday. First, we completely burned the meat we were cooking for the spaghetti. Then, when Jesse went to dump the noodles through a strainer, the strainer fell and he dumped an entire box worth of noodles into the sink. Yum. So we had to wait for more noodles to cook. Then, because we don't have a table yet, we ate at the coffee table, 2 on the couch, 2 on the floor. We knew we'd have to do that though. Dad's making us a table, and it is going to be gorgeous when it's done, he's just hit a road block with some of his equipment needed to finish it. Oh, and we had a birthday cake that we managed to pull off without any mishaps.

Jesse is now working full time at the Golf Club as Assistant CaddyMaster. He's just starting but I think he will be much happier being outside again than at a desk. 

Last week, while Jesse was between the two jobs, he had a couple days off, so we decided to spend a whole day together without sitting on the couch. We had breakfast at Pancake Pantry. MM MM. And by the way, Jesse has all this planned out, and I don't have any idea where we are going until we get there. So then we drove and ended up at the Cumberland Science Museum. Well, it's the Adventure Science Museum now I guess, that's just not what I remember about it. :) Turns out, it's not much of what either of us remember about it. :) Not much in there made for anyone over 6 to enjoy. Oh well. Now we know! Then we went to the Gulch and to Urban 
Outfitters. Just looked around a little. I really like what they've done with City Hall. I thought they'd tear it down, but they just renovated a little. Looks nice. Then we had some down time 
before dinner at Sambuca. Jesse's sister, Caitlin has recommended it to us before, and we finally went. It was wonderful. It's a beautiful restaurant, and the seating is unique, big pillows in the booths and things. And the food was wonderful too. I had a big "baseball" steak. That's about the size and shape it was! And Jesse had a pizza. We had some really good appetizers too.
No room for dessert, although it sounded really good. It was a very nice day to have to spend together like this, and I love a good surprise, so it was nice to have surprise plans for the whole day! :)

We have done a little more with the apartment. Jesse hung a shelf, we got some wedding pictures in frames and hung. We FINALLY got a coffee maker! :) Now... we have some work to do on the closets soon. For sure. We are just having to be creative with small spaces as far as closets are concerned.

Oh! We got a book printed of our wedding pictures. I made it on my mac in iPhoto. It came on Friday and I LOVE it! It looks so clean and modern. It is in order so that it's like a timeline through the day. And it's nice to have something to hold and show our pictures now. I finally was able to show everyone at work yesterday.

And I think we're pretty caught up here...